Experience Product Masterclass Review 2021 Should You Join? 🚀 (Live Your Message With Marisa Murgatroyd Reviews)


Experience Product Masterclass Review 2021 Should You Join? 🚀 (Live Your Message With Marisa Murgatroyd Reviews)

👉 Experience Product Masterclass is one of those rare game-changers that can turn the whole information industry upside down overnight. You need to either change your approach or you’re hosed.

It exposes a new way to profit from a near billion dollar a day industry.

If you’re an online product creator already, you'll be thrilled. This program shows you exactly why most online courses FAIL, and what you can do about it.  It shows you the right way to create super-sticky products that get your customers hooked on taking action, getting results and buying from you over and over again. It can massively grow sales & student engagement by 10-30X and send profits through the roof!

No product yet?  No problem.

It's designed for anybody who wants to share their message, experience or expertise while earning life-changing income.  EPM helps you find the perfect product idea.

Marisa Murgatroyd, the creator of EPM, is so confident that she legally guarantees that you will be making at least $2,000 in the next 12 weeks. So if you make only $500, she will PAY YOU $1,500. Considering the fact that making the first $1 online is more difficult than scaling from $100k to $500k, this is an incredible offer.

👉 What is Experience Product Masterclass?

👉 What is Experience Product Masterclass, you ask?

Simply put, it's a product created from your experience for others to experience.

But it isn’t just about "experiencifying" information, it IS an Experience Product — which means that your audience gets to LEARN the Experience Formula... while EXPERIENCING it for themselves. (Which, as you know, is the BEST way to learn!)

You may be an expert on Instagram, a coach, a course creator, or even a dog whisperer.  Whatever your passion may be, you can create a product from your experience.  When you create your course the way that Marisa teaches you, it'll be a memorable, fun and engaging experience that your customer won't forget, not just a boring info product.

👉 Here’s a problem in our industry: Up to 97% of those who buy training courses never complete them, and never get the results they were promised.

So Marisa came up with a new way of creating and marketing products. She developed a system that uses the secrets from the best-selling apps and games to get your customers hooked on taking massive action, getting results and ultimately buying from you again and again.

Most great games have a clear sense of a mission to be accomplished, and people feel great when they accomplish each goal. EPM doesn't just offer information like most courses, but instead uses well-thought-out gamified content for product creation, so people can experience the satisfaction of achieving each small goal.

An experience product can be a course, training, product, service, 1:1 coaching,  or consulting program in any industry. You can experiencify almost anything in business. You can apply these principles to all aspects of what you do.

So, you’re in for a treat, because now you're going to learn how to create a product the right way for the first time.

Here's what you'll learn and experience with EPM.

10 Weeks of Instruction

From choosing the right product, creating your own idea to market blueprint, nailing your offer, crafting your product mission statement, your experience escalation plan and much, much, more!

Personal Milestone Tracking Documentation

You also get support on your core program milestones in between coaching calls through your personal milestone tracking doc. Simply tag your coach every time you make an update and you'll get custom feedback within 48 hours.

Done For You Membership Site

You'll create your product, but Marisa's team will actually build in Xperiencify FOR YOU. So if you were worrying about not having enough time to get everything done, or worrying that you're not technical enough  - they've got you covered.

Personal Coaching

You'll have someone to answer your questions LIVE for 10 weeks which means that you'll never be left stuck and frustrated if you hit an obstacle or need clarification on something...and you don't have to lose momentum.

Xperiencify Software

This is the perfect course delivery platform for Experience Products. It comes complete with all the experiencification you've learned during their free training. You get full unlimited usage for 3 months.

Two Tickets To Live Your Message Live

Live Your Message Live picks up where EPM stops, and you'll get to spend 3 days together with Marisa and her team working on your entire online business. You'll be joining her in sunny Los Angeles in March of 2021.

👉So What Do You Learn in 10 Weeks?


+ Choose your product so it becomes the most lucrative offer you can make at this particular time in your business, the product that will allow you to make the greatest impact while delivering you the highest profits in the easiest way possible.

Create your own personalized “Idea to Market Blueprint” so that you know exactly which steps you’ll need to take and when to take them. Not knowing the right actions is a HUGE reason people procrastinate and take months to make even simple progress.

Two marketing techniques that are vital for you to understand as you create the foundation for your product. Both will prevent you from spending a lot of time working on something people don’t really want to buy, and help you hone in with certainty on the right product for you to create around what they actually want and need, to achieve the result they most desire.


Once you choose the type of product you want to create... it doesn’t matter how good your product is if you can’t get people to buy! That’s why we start with creating the strongest marketing message and positioning possible before you even create your product.

In other words, how can you make your product irresistible so people can’t help but say yes?

In this Module:

+ Develop the aspects of your offer that are proven to get more and more people to say yes, like bonuses, social proof and real urgency.

+ Craft a compelling Future Self, 1-sentence Product Mission, and Product Origin Story so your prospects instantly get why they should buy your offer.

+ Workshop your visual brand so you can stand out, grab attention and exude authority and credibility from the second people land on your page.

+ Plug into our Experience Product® naming templates to bust out your blockbuster product name.

This Module is centered around the anti-perfectionist “Earn While You Learn” method of product creation... so you don’t have to create a lot of videos, PDFs, and other assets right off the bat (unless you want to).

In this Module:

+ Discover 12 different “Rapid Product Creation” strategies... so that you can choose the ones that work best for your business, your offer, and your style. Using these, you should be able to complete the blueprint for your Experience Product® in less than 2 weeks.

+ Learn how to collaborate with your customers, students and clients during the process. You’ll know what they don’t understand, what they struggle with, and what’s not working for them because they’ll tell you so, which means you’re guaranteed to end up with the best product for them, NOT the product you think is best for them.

+ Create your Experience Escalation Plan -- This is where we integrate the 10 Core Experiences into your product. We’ll create your big picture outline for how to draw your customers & students into your Experience Product in the right way.


This is when you rock out your first Experience Marketing campaign designed to fill your Experience Product, Program, Course or 1-on-1 coaching, consulting or service offer.

In this Module:

+ The 6 main Experience Marketing campaigns that are proven to work for a wide range of business models and industries. (Note: four of these will cost you nothing to implement, so you won’t need to spend a ton of money on advertising.)

+ How to choose the right marketing campaign (or campaigns) for your business model and stage of business. And once you get it rolling, how to use the Power of 1.1, where your customers start selling your products FOR you, so you can market less while still growing your business.

+ Why “Experience Marketing” helps you stand out in a powerful, unique, fun, fresh and engaging way to your ideal customers, which is MORE than half the battle in today’s noisy marketplace.

+ Our suggestions, templates, and scripts... basically everything you need for a complete and unique-to-you Experience Marketing campaign designed to bring you all the clients you can handle.


In this Module:

+ How to deliver an unforgettable Experience Product that keeps your customers engaged and getting results.

+ The key elements to creating the “warm snuggy blanket” that makes your Experience Product such a great experience and creates a mass of raving fans who will achieve incredible results.

+ How to create an Experience that engages ALL your students, clients and customers immediately and keeps as many of them as possible until the end of your program -- MAXIMIZING the chances of their success, and repeat purchases.

👉 How to Create Experience Products to Hit the Dopamine Button

Your mission - should you choose to accept it - is to design an experience product in 10 weeks or less, and make your first $2,000 (or a whole lot more).

That's how you start your mission.  Can you complete your task and cross the finish line? Maybe.

EPM has a magic button you can press to release dopamine into your brain.

Most info products do not have a clear mission and a finish line. No wonder 97% of people can't even complete them.

Have you ever played a game where you don't know what to do or where to go?  Nobody wants to play such a game because you can't win.

EPM is the next level content creation system that takes full advantage of such gamification.

You earn XP (Experience Points) on the way to the finish line. Every time you complete a task, you get XP and celebrate. 

👉 What Makes Xperiencify Unique?

There are many online course creating software programs available today. To create and sell courses, among the best ones in 2020 are Teachable, Kajabi and Thinkific.

None of them, however, have experiencification built in, and these traditional course creation software will end up causing the customer consumption rate to drop, increasing refunds. As a result, your bottom line can drop significantly unless you have "Experience Products."

Xperiencify was created by Marisa Murgatroyd in 2020 at the urgent request of her students/fans. They need this platform to create fun, memorable and engaging online courses that experiencify your next product.

Xperiencify is the only course platform that builds 8 powerful psychological triggers into your course:

  •  #1 Psychological trigger - Variable Rewards
  •  #2 Psychological trigger - Constant Wins
  •  #3 Psychological trigger - Visualization
  •  #4 Psychological trigger - Urgency
  •  #5 Psychological trigger - Scarcity
  •  #6 Psychological trigger - Social Proof
  •  #7 Psychological trigger - Curiosity
  •  #8 Psychological trigger - Recognition

👉 Marisa Murgatroyd's Defining Moment

Marisa Murgatroyd is the founder and CEO of Live Your Message.

She started her online career in 2013, and made over $17 Million dollars with online courses and programs. But the accomplishment she’s most proud of is her record-breaking student success rate. Her company is well known for getting 10-30 times more student engagement and student success rate on average than anyone else in the industry. 837 students have left honest, raving reviews on EPM.

But she didn't start all that fancy from the beginning.

She was living in Los Angeles and was directing, producing and editing films. She loved the work but she didn't always love the job.

One day, she was editing an important upcoming documentary when her boss burst into the room and asked for her power cable.

Marisa's laptop only had about 30 minutes of power left, so she asked "Can't you ask somebody else?" in front of a whole crew of production assistants. But her boss wanted her power cable for certain important reasons.  They went back and forth, and the request turned into a demand.

Her boss angrily said "The computer you're working on, I own that.  The power cord you're using, I own that too, so give me the cord!"

She might as well have said, "MARISA, I OWN YOU."

So Marisa didn't have any choice but to give her boss the power cable.

This was a huge defining moment in her life.  Marisa realized that she was living, but she wasn't really living.

She also realized that it wasn't only her but that there are also so many other people who are working for somebody else who doesn't even respect or appreciate them.

She's now helping thousands of others to share their message and live fulfilling, happy lives.

Marisa Murgatroyd is THE go-to expert when it comes to finding the perfect product idea and creating your "experience product". I’ve been following her concepts for years and she’s developed a foolproof and FAST process to help virtually anybody create a successful online course.

👉 Who Would I Recommend Experience Product Masterclass for?

If you're an author, an educator, a consultant, a broker, a coach, a leader or an influencer, as long as you're in the "people industry", EPM is for you.

This is perfect for online course creators or people who're thinking of creating in the future. You can use it for brand new products, or you can use it on products that already exist too.

Also great for those created a course but it completely failed...

You can finally get unstuck & discover your perfect product or course idea.  You'll understand how to validate and test market demand before you launch, and gain the confidence you need BEFORE you take huge action on your big idea.

EPM works whether you're just getting started in business, or if you have multiple products bringing in 6, 7, or even 8 figures.

If you want to make more sales for your online course in 2021, eliminate refunds, boost completion rates & get pages of success stories, this is for you.

But, if you're looking for a "get-rich-quick" opportunity without putting in the effort, then EPM is NOT for you. You don't need to waste time joining EPM if you're not going to work for it.

On the other hand, if you want to share your message with the world while earning a great income, Experience Products is God-sent! 

Do you want to create a product that actually gets results for your customers? 

If so, Experience Products isn't just "a" solution. They're the ONLY solution.

No matter what your industry, niche or stage of business is...Experience Products works!

They work at every stage of business, from well-established businesses to people who don't even have a business yet.

👉 Experience Product Masterclass VS Knowledge Broker Blueprint

You might be aware of another successful product called Knowledge Broker Blueprint by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi.

How does it compare with the Experience Product Masterclass?

Good question!

Although both courses are about creating useful information products while impacting the world, there's a huge difference in the way it's created.

Experiencification: EPM takes full advantage of gamification, behavioral design, adult learning psychology, innovative curriculum design, work with brain chemistry, and get people "hooked" on taking action. 

You, as the main character, have to reach the finish line in a timely manner by collecting small wins (XP). The gamification aspect of the Knowledge Broker Blueprint are minimum, so you might not feel the sense of accomplishment and dopamine effects as powerful as EPM. 

Your Personal Coach: Another difference between the two programs is that with EPM, you get to have your own personal coach. If you look at the success stories of EPM members, you'll see a huge number of members attribute their success to having a personal coach. Getting perspective from an expert at key points in your journey is super critical.

KBB is a great course and has great community support, but they do not offer a personal coach.

Weekly Training: Also, another important difference is that EPM has three different weekly trainings: Mondays with Marisa, Wisdom Wednesdays and Implementation Fridays. These live webinars really keep students focused on their task and help them with any questions or concerns they might have.

Honestly the results completely blew my mind when I was first introduced to EPM and at this point I can’t even imagine creating an offer without ‘Experiencifying’ it (my friend Marisa’s term)!

Though I’m a huge fan of Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi’s Knowledge Broker Business, Marisa’s new concept for experiencifying products is changing the way we create and sell our courses. The info business is now shifting to the transformation business.

👉 Pros and Cons of Experience Product Masterclass

👉 So How Much is EPM?

The price of EPM is as follows:

If you use the 6 month installment plan, then the price for EPM is $2,382.

If you pay it all at once, which I recommend, it's $1,997, and you'll get a special bonus that's designed to give you an unfair advantage during the launch of your first or next experience product.

Now, EPM comes with a "You'll make $2000 guarantee", which means if you end up making only $100 in 12 weeks, then Marisa will pay you $1900. So it’s practically FREE no matter what happens.

Also, it comes with another cushion of guarantees. You can ask for a full refund within 14 days, which is unconditional.

But I don't think you'll be using that because this course is truly life-changing and you'll be loving it!

So, Marisa's EPM is absolutely free of charge no matter how you look at it, and without any risk.

You also want to seriously consider how much it will cost you if you don't get EPM.  You'll be wasting years for research and making costly mistakes.  With EPM, you can skip the line and go directly to your final destination. Awesome!

👉 Experience Product Masterclass Bonuses

You’ll have someone to answer your questions LIVE 3 times a week throughout the program.

This means that you’re never left stuck and frustrated if you hit an obstacle or need clarification on something… and you don’t have to lose momentum.


90-minute dedicated group laser coaching calls with Marisa where she’s been known to add literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to people’s bottom lines in a matter of minutes. :)


90-minute group coaching calls in smaller coaching pods with your Experience Product Success Coach. They do these sessions at 6 different times over a 15-hour window to allow for all schedules and time zones. You’re matched with a coach based on a time you can regularly commit to.


90-minute workshops with elite coaches on anything you need to know to move forward, whether creating quizzes, booking appointments, or anything in between - you’ll be covered.

Getting ninja at one-on-one selling is the fastest and easiest way to hit Mission Accomplished thanks to the CRITICAL real-world feedback you’ll receive on what people really think of your Experience Product.

This 3-module crash course will transform you into a selling ninja, without feeling “salesy”, pushy or slimy in any way. Imagine your sales conversations as positive experiences where your prospects feel like they got the better end of the bargain, and are excited to give you their credit card.

This bonus course will guide you step-by-step through your enrollment conversations, with everything you need to get prospective clients to say YES!

Your voice is one of the most powerful tools that you have... and it’s time to learn how to speak out! That’s why I’ve put together a super trio of trainings that includes my Captive Audience Campaign, my Reverse Webinar Campaign and Don Crowther’s How to Sell Using Webinars.

You’ll have everything you need to create and deliver an incredible live talk or webinar to get people into your program, without ever feeling pushy or salesy... and, when you combine this bonus with Sales for Superheroes, you’ll be an unstoppable selling machine, in a way that feels completely natural and easy.

Two for one challenge bundle.

This is going to be very valuable if you’re not sure what your bigger idea is yet. If you don’t have any idea or too many ideas. 50% of people who join EPM have never sold anything in their life and they’re able to get clear with this challenge. You’ll get immediate access to a powerful process that will get you to the right idea in under an hour. If you ever been stuck, even if you’ve been stuck for years, follow this process and get unstuck in under an hour. It took Marisa 7 years and more than 7,000 students to create such a powerful process. That’s why this bonus is so valuable.

Now, if you’re already an experience product creator, the challenge tool is going to walk you through the absolute basics of how to experiencify any existing course, training, program or product so you dramatically increase student success to 10-30x while setting up more automatic back end sales and referrals.

Launching your profitable Experience Product will be only the beginning of what’s possible in your business.

Live Your Message Live picks up where EPM stops, and you’ll spend 3 days together with Marisa's team working on your entire online business. You'll be joining Marisa in sunny Los Angeles, where together they'll identify and craft your personal marketing message, create an entire experience product suite that has people wanting more, and the business and marketing plans to make it happen.

If you think working with Marisa in EPM will be powerful, just wait until you see what you’ll take away after getting into a room with her to work on your business for 3 solid days!

Xperiencify is your secret weapon.

After years of recommending other membership site platforms, and being disappointed that none of them ever understood what Marisa was trying to achieve, she finally decided to build it herself.

This is the perfect course delivery platform for Experience Products.

It comes complete with all the experiencification Marisa has been talking about in this workshop, and dozens of other features that will help you powerfully engage and motivate 10-30 times more students to take action, get results and become repeat customers.

This is the mother of all bonuses.

You're going to get your membership site built for you. You just map it out, plan and create your product and Marisa's team will build it out for you in Xperiencify.

Just provide your course materials within one year of the end of EPM and you'll get your full course set up for you in Xperiencify.

We value this bonus at $5,000 because of the incredible value and peace of mind it gives you, as well as all the benefits that come with massive student success including radically less refunds and radically more repeat sales and referrals.

👉 Conclusion - Is EPM Really Worth It?

The big question is:

“Is Experience Product Masterclass really worth it?”

The real answer to that is “it depends”.

If you want more raving fans, engagement from your tribe, fewer product returns, and increase ROI by 10-30x, then you want to seriously consider investing in EPM.

Creating an online course is the quickest, most profitable way to build your online business. If you haven’t experienced making money while you sleep yet, this is it. It’s the greatest feeling in the world to be able to share your message and impact others while making a great income.

Even if you don’t have any products yet, you’re all covered. She has a whole new training on how to create your product quickly. She can get you to the right idea in under an hour.

What’s more fulfilling than helping others with what you’re naturally good at and getting paid for it?

2021 has been topsy turvy to say the least.

And while it’s changed so much of how our world functions, with everything and everyone going online, one thing that’s remained true?

Online Courses and Digital Products are in major demand, and Experience Products in particular... well they’re just dominating.

In fact, right now is the opportunity of a lifetime for people who are looking to launch or scale their online offers. 

The doors are wide open, the market is ripe for the taking...

And Marisa’s 2021 Experience Product Masterclass is officially here!!

Marisa isn’t just a product design expert, she’s someone whose information and guidance I’ve been following closely for years (and even referring my students to for years as well!)

In her EPM program she’s about to show you...

⇒ How to create, deliver, and sell digital products, online programs and information-based courses in a revolutionary new way.

⇒ How to ethically hook your clients, customers & students on taking action, achieving goals, getting results and having great lives -- through YOU! 

⇒ As a result, you'll naturally make a great income, with repeat business, lifelong customers, and droves of referrals! (Which means less money spent in the future on marketing.)

It’s a new, different and amazing approach that borrows heavily from the fields of gamification and experience-design, and more importantly:

I honestly believe that the opportunity here is HUGE for those who take advantage of it. 

So your mission, should you choose to accept it … is to design, market and make $2,000 or a whole lot more from an Experience Product® in the next 12 weeks, so you can get off the marketing treadmill, make more sales, and have more impact. 

Plus, it doesn’t hurt that your success is Guaranteed! 

Marisa’s so confident in the results you’ll achieve (and so am I) that she’s legally guaranteeing you’ll make at least $2,000 in 10 weeks no matter your industry, niche, or stage of business!

Just follow her simple instructions, and if in 12 weeks you don’t have at least 2K (or a WHOLE lot more) back in your pocket, then: She's going to PAY you the difference. 

See what the Masterclass is all about here and when you get in before midnight tonight you’ll also get the added benefit of an fast-action bonus!

Marisa opens this program just ONCE a year -- so if you want in, now's the time.

Whether you’re just starting out with your own business and want to create your very first info product, online program or course…

Whether you already have a program or two but not enough people are signing up or finishing it…

The Experience Product Masterclass has the potential to seriously change your life!

But don’t just take my word for it -- check out the 836 honest & unedited reviews Marisa has collected from her students over the past 3 years!

👉 Testimonials - Why Will EPM Transform Your Life?

65% of 2352 EPM students completed the program to its entirety and 92% engaged in the course. The average student consumption rate is only 3%. 

Now that's unheard of in our industry!

Over the last 4 years, EPM has generated over 500 pages of testimonials.

One thing is for sure... With Experience Product Masterclass,  you too will have a record breaking year of engagement, conversions and earnings.

👉 Experience Product Masterclass FAQ

What if I've never created a product? 

That’s actually AWESOME! That means you haven’t learned the wrong way to do it yet - and Experience Products are a lot simpler, easier, and faster to create than traditional information products. You’ll find out all the details on this webinar!

What if I'm not tech savvy?

That’s actually not a problem - 8 out of 10 Core Experiences from the Experience Formula don’t require any technology at all - and the remaining two require only basic tools which we’ll gladly explain to you. All the details will be revealed on the webinar!

What if I'm not an expert at all?

I can virtually guarantee that you have, in your life, solved a problem or gotten a result that other people want, and would be willing to pay to learn how. It doesn’t have to do anything with a degree, a job title, a published book, or even recognition. Make sure you tune in to this webinar to find out how this works!

Do I need a website? 

Not at all - 4 out of 6 Experience Marketing Campaigns don’t require any kind of website. The others? Just simple 4 pages that anyone can build, no matter what their technical experience. No website? No problem! Watch the webinar for more details.

I’m worried I won’t have enough time for this. How much time will it take?

Well first of all, we’ve built a ton of personal support into the program. As you proceed through the program your EPM Success Coach will be communicating with you on each of your milestones on your Milestones Document.

You can ALSO attend live “Office Hour Calls” with your Coach, get help and feedback from me on “Mondays with Marisa” (our live laser coaching calls) AND Implementation Fridays with Don “Get it Done” Crowther. 

Plus, you can ask your peers for help in the Facebook community, which is a hugely valuable resource. 

In short, we want you to feel like you’re wrapped in a warm, snuggly blanket of support. If you feel you need additional one-on-one coaching beyond everything I just listed above, we do have a One-on-One Coaching Option available as well.

I'm in a specialized industry. Is EPM right for you?

If you’re working with people, the principles taught in the EPM can work in your industry. That said, it is the responsibility of the student to know and understand the regulations governing their industry and how they may affect the application of the Experience Product Masterclass.

Neither Live Your Message nor any of its affiliates, partners or employees are able to give legal advice about whether this program will apply to your industry. Because of our investment in each student, we are unable to offer any refunds or guarantees if, after purchase, you are unable to use the EPM in your industry.

Is the result guaranteed?

YES! Glad you asked. There’s indeed a legitimate guarantee that you’ll make at least $2,000 in 12 weeks no matter your industry, niche, or previous experience. Watch the webinar to find out all the details.

Can I get personal coaching?

There’s actually a ton of personal support built into the program when you join. There’s going to be a coach making sure you meet your milestones, there are one-on-one coaching options available, plus, there’s a community… you’ll never feel lost! Attend the webinar to get all the details.

I really want to join now, but I don’t have money.

If there is a will there's a way. One student even joined EPM by mowing a yard. Also, if you have a PayPal account, you can take advantage of the “Pay Later” option. You don’t have to pay for 6 months. With Marisa’s $2000 profit guarantee, it's a no brainer!

There are over 864 customer success stories for EPM and I can’t wait for you to be the next one. 

You get everything. The coaching. The training. The software (which is sooooo good!)... and the better-than-money-back guarantee. 

The program is set to start live shortly though, so that’s why you have only minutes left to register before the offer to join EPM closes. Join it here now!

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OnePercent is an online education platform that delivers video courses, programs and resources for entrepreneurs and business owners.



